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Editing Checklist

Below is a list of common items I edit. I provide different levels of editing depending on your needs. The most common preference is a light-medium copyedit, which includes mechanical editing and language 

editing (listed below). I recommend this type of editing for most authors.


For authors needing more than a light-medium edit, you have the option of a more heavy copyedit that could also include content editing, correlating parts, editing references, and aligning manuscripts with a journal's author guidelines. See below for a description of what is included in each of these options.


Please let me know if you prefer a light-medium or heavy copyedit. And if you need a heavy copyedit, please specify what categories you need edited. Please see my Price & Payment page for details about cost. A heavy copyedit takes longer, so cost increases.


Also note, that I do proofread documents, but this is a very light edit that is typically applied to a manuscript that has been through multiple revisions and copyediting. Proofreading involves the most minimal changes, correcting any possible typos and punctuation errors that may remain in a text before being approved for publication.


This includes following guidelines of a style manual for these items: 


  • Punctuation 

  • Spelling 

  • Capitalization 

  • Hyphenation

  • Page numbers, headers and footers

  • Italicization, underscoring, and boldfaced type

  • Abbreviations, including acronyms and initialisms

  • Quotations

  • Tables, figures and graphs

  • Presentation of numbers and statistics

  • International System of Units



This involves aligning the language of your manuscript with conventional and idiomatic English. This includes checking the following elements:



  • Grammar

  • Word choice, including technical nomenclature

  • Style, including making texts more clear, concise, correct, consistent, coherent, and compelling

  • Tone, involves ensuring that the word choice is appropriate for your audience and type of manuscript you are writing

  • Rhetorical conventions and organizational structures of scientific manuscripts 

  • Textual and formatting conventions, including font size and type, margins, and spacing, and other typography issues



In a medium copyedit, I do a limited amount of content editing and fact-checking unless the author requests more in-depth fact-checking. At a minimum, if I see irregularities or questionable facts and content, I will query the author about these items. I can also do a more systematic editing of content and fact-checking as well as annotation of text, as found in editing of manuscripts in a medical legal regulatory review, if an author requests this. This may include the following:


  • Fact-checking by consulting primary reference sources or by referencing the related literature 

  • Verifying that your summary of findings of other studies is consistent with the article you are summarizing 

  • Checking numbers that do not add up or missing data

  • Pointing out issues in reporting statistical data

  • Check for verbatim text from the reference source



Correlating parts involves verifying that sections of a manuscript logically and consistently connect. Some items I check include:​


  • Verifying that your summary of findings of other studies is consistent with the source article you are citing 

  • Verifying that numerical data presented in the text is consistent throughout the manuscript, including the tables, figures, abstract, introduction, methods, results, and discussion 

  • Checking for consistency between in-text references to tables and figures and correctly labeling these items

  • Check for consistency in typeface formatting of levels of titles, headings, and subheadings

  • Checking description in captions and labeling against content presented in tables and figures

  • Verifying that all items presented in tables are presented consistently and use the same terminology or units of measure throughout the table

  • Verifying consistency of in-text citations and footnotes against references

  • Cross-checking table of contents with sections of the manuscript

  • Verifying that all text and numerical data are consistently formatted throughout all tables and figures



  • Align references with a particular style such as, AMA-11, Chicago, APA, CSE: Scientific Style and Format

  • Check order and formatting style of authors, titles, publication dates, publisher, etc.

  • Verify that links are active and correct; add a doi when applicable

  • Verify that references are current, relevant, and high quality 



  • Align your article with a journal's formatting and style preferences

  • Confirm that references are consistent with journal's guidelines

  • Confirm that word count for abstract and other sections of an article are within a journal's word limit

  • Verify that tables and figures are aligned with journal guidelines and specifications

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